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Top 4 Children's Books for 2024!

If you've been looking for book ideas for your kids this year, here are a few Dice Book Publishing household suggestions!

Note: Some of the links in this article are affiliate links. If you choose to use a link and subsequently make a purchase, then at no extra cost to you I may make a small commission. Also, this list is based on picks of my kids, with books we've read thus far in 2024!

Number One:

Get out from behind the screen with Harold And The Thumb!

Harold And The Thumb is Dice Book Publishing's first release of 2024! While kids of all ages and interests will surely get a kick out of this book, it is targeting kids who may need a screen break.

Acting as a special reminder to kids who are a little too attached to their devices, that the world outside is often even more exciting and fulfilling than what's on the screen.

Grab a copy from our shop, or at your favorite retailer (physical copies available on Amazon) using the link above!

Number Two:

Who says children's books need pictures?!

The Book With No Pictures, by Bj Novak

This was a staple for both Naptime and bedtime for about a month. The book is true to its title. There are no pictures in the book. While this may sound like a misstep when it comes to a children's book, the author is none other than B.J. Novak, one of the minds behind the show The Office, and the actor who plays the character Ryan in the same show.

The book does the job by providing multiple reading sessions of laughter which my two-year-old can attest to. It's a must-have for every child's library if you as the parent can stomach the continuous quotes from the book throughout your days to weeks. Quotes like random "Boo Boo Butt!" at the dinner table, or "Bandoongy Face!" at bath time.

Number Three:

Immerse yourself in this sweet story of culture and familial love.

The Ugly Duckling

Now this is the oldest book I'm recommending for 2024. However, we've had to get a second copy of this book because my toddler has read it so much so far this year that the binding has come loose. This is a versatile story if you're using it to teach. It lends itself to conversations about inner beauty, tenacity, and perseverance but also could be used to introduce the golden rule when coming across less-than-desirable behavior.

Although, truth be told your kids might not care about the underlying lessons. My toddler likes the "cute duck" and "pretty swan"

Number 4

The Disney Fairy Chapter Books!

This is a favorite series for my oldest daughter. To be honest, the more of these I read the more invested I am in the characters too! I'll be reading a story about the fairy "Prilla" when another character from a few books ago enters the story and I'll think "Uuug, Vidia would do that!"If you're kids are old enough to become engaged in something like a series, this could be a fun one to start as it takes place in the familiar setting of Neverland.

While it's rare that you'll recognize anything specific from your childhood memories of Peter Pan as the book mainly carves out its place within the lore, you will recognize nods to the original which can be a neat thing to share with your child.

That's all for now! Have a great rest of the year and come back soon!